General Infos
The Drikung Garchen Institute e.V. was founded in Munich in 2000 as a non-profit organization and has been a member of the German Buddhist Union (DBU) since April 2004.
Ziel des Instituts ist es, in Vorträgen, Seminaren, täglichen Meditationen und Meditationsklausuren den Buddhismus, wie er in der tibetischen Tradition praktiziert wird, in authentischer Weise zu vermitteln und somit eine Basis für den Buddhismus im Westen zu schaffen.
In particular, it offers interested individuals, Buddhists, and non-Buddhists alike, the opportunity to become acquainted with texts and meditation practices as they have been passed down in the tradition of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage for many centuries in Tibet – through listening, reflection, and meditation.
The center is financed solely by membership fees, donations and entrance fees collected at lectures and seminars. All regular events are free of charge. We also support school and monastery projects in Tibet.
You can download the statutes of the Drikung Garchen Institute here herunterladen.