In this time, when buddhist teachings benefit the modern world, your support is needed more than ever. As a non-profit association, the Drikung Garchen Insitut e.V. is dependent on donations. In order to allow as many people interested in Tibetan Buddhism to participate in the events as possible, the fees are kept low and cover only part of the costs. That is why we need the additional financial support of our visitors and friends. Only the broad support of all those who visit our events both on site and online and want to come in the future, makes the activity of the association possible. We appreciate very much any amount you are able to donate, so that the DGI can continue its work for a long time.

For an online donation/payment click on one of the buttons below.

If the donation/payment doesn't work via the button, which happens from time to time from abroad, please go directly to the PayPal website, log into your customer account, click on the blue tab for sending money and enter the email address paypal.Thank you very much in advance for your generous support.

For donations from Taiwan, please use:

Account in Taiwan台灣帳號:
Postbank code郵局轉帳代碼:700
Account Number帳號:00214410420644

Donate for:

DGI Button en Lamas en Retreat Button Pujas Button Shop Button General Donations

When making the money transfer by the bank or Paypal, please always enter the intended use for payment.

Please use for Paypal the e-mail address paypal

Our International bank account number:

Drikung Garchen Institute e.V.

Stadtsparkasse München  
IBAN: DE88 7015 0000 1003 5045 19

The Drikung Garchen Institute is under the spiritual guidance of H. E. Garchen Rinpoche. The aim of the Institute is to offer teachings, seminars, daily meditation and meditation retreats that convey Buddhism as practiced in the Tibetan tradition in an authentic manner, and thereby create a foundation for Buddhism in the West.

If you would like to support us you can do it with a membership. The annual membership fees are a very important contribution for our work and for the future existance of the institute. As a member you will get reduction on the fees of all events and seminars which take place at the Garchen Dharma Institute.

The annual membership fee is € 180,- for corporate bodies (i.e. institutes, not-profit organizations etc.), € 120,- for simple membership and € 60,- for disciples, students, retired, unemployed or disabled persons as well as well-fare recipients. 

Donations and membership fees are tax-deductible.

Download here the statute and here the membership application form as pdf-files. Please send the application form filled out to:

Drikung Garchen Institut e.V.
Florian-Geyer-Str. 10
D-81377 Munich

HausThe Drikung Garchen Institut e.V. was founded in Munich in the year 2000 as a non-profit organization and has been a member of Deutsche Buddhistische Union (DBU, German Union of Buddhist Organizations) since April 2004. The aim of the Institute is to offer teachings, seminars, daily meditation and meditation retreats which convey Buddhism as practiced in the Tibetan tradition in an authentic manner, and thereby creating a foundation for Buddhism in the West.
In particular, the Institute is concerned with familiarizing interested Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike with the texts and meditation practices which have been preserved and taught by the Drikung Kagyü lineage over many centuries in Tibet  through listening, reflecting and meditating.

Moreover, the Institute is committed to promoting intercultural exchange between East and West, as well as to contributing to understanding between nations while fostering tolerance between individuals and societies through the teaching of compassion. Consequently, teachers of Tibetan Buddhism who come directly from Tibet, exiled monasteries in India and Nepal, as well as from western Buddhist centers, are invited to the Institute on a regular basis.
The Institute is funded solely by member's contributions, donations as well as fees charged for teachings and seminars. All of the regular courses and events are free of charge. We also support school and monastery projects in Tibet.

You may become a member of our organization. The membership fee is € 120 (red. € 60) per year.