The Five-Fold Path of Mahamudra: Yidam I

Drubpön Tsering Rinpoche


LANGUAGES: Tibetan with translation into German (Katrin Querl) and English (Sonam Spitz)

This weekend, Drubpön Tsering Rinpoche will begin the teachings of the second limb of the five-fold Mahamudra path: the yidam practice of Chakrasamvara. On Friday evening, Drubpön Rinpoche will give the lung for the practice.

The Chakrasamvara practice with five deities is one of the most important practices in the Kagyü tradition. Especially in the Drikung Kagyu school, Chakrasamvara is the most accomplished yidam. When practicing the five-fold Mahamudra path (ngaden), he is the main yidam. Later, in the practice of the six yogas of Naropa, it is Vajrayogini (Dorje Naljorma).


Friday, 11.04.

18:30–20:30 teachings and lung

Saturday, 12.04. and Sunday, 13.04.

10–12:00 and 14:30–16:30 teachings

17:15–18:45 joint practice


118€ / reduced 94€

Please register for participation and accommodation at


This event is part of a five-year series of seminars (see below for more information). Due to the profound nature of the practices taught, participation is only open to graduates of the first year (2024). All participants in 2025 must therefore:

– have received the complete teachings from 2024 (on site, via Zoom or through recordings)

– have practiced the preliminary practices regularly, preferably daily, for at least a year

– have completed a retreat of at least two weeks on the preparatory practices, and

– have received an empowerment of Chakrasamvara (those who have not yet received the empowerment in the past can do so by the start of the event using this <a href=”


Apr 11 - 13 2025


All Day