Chakrasamvara Dates in 2025
Important news for all participants of the five-fold path of Mahamudra program in Module 3 of the Dharmadhara Study and Practice Program: The date for the second part of the Chakrasamvara teachings has now been set: July 18–20, 2025 (the first part will take place as planned from April 11–13, 2025. At the request of the Dharmadhara team, Drubpön Tsering Rinpoche has agreed to lead a five-day Chakrasamvara Drubchö immediately following the second weekend of teachings, from July 20–24, 2025.
Although the Drubchö is primarily intended for participants in the Five-Path Mahamudra program, other interested practitioners are also welcome to attend. It is a prerequisite that participants have received a Chakrasamvaraempowerment and lung.
Further information can be found in our program overview and at
There will be translation into German (Katrin) and English (Sonam).