Study Group on the 37 Bodhisattva Practices
Starting on January 26, 2025, the Dharmadhar Study and Practice Program is offering a new study group on the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, in which Drubpon Tsering Rinpoche and Drubpon Palkyi will also participate.
The study group meets once a month, always on the fourth Sunday at 6 p.m. via Zoom. All interested parties—both newcomers and advanced practitioners—are warmly invited.
At the beginning, there will always be a short introductory lecture on one of the verses. After that, all participants are welcome to join in the discussion. You can find more detailed information about the program at
From 26.01. every 4th Sunday of the month, 6 p.m.
Lecturers are Drubpon Tsering Rinpoche, Drubpon Palkyi, Claude Jürgens, Lama Kunsang Korpon, Jan-Ulrich Sobisch, Drubpon Rachel and Giorgio, Tändsin T. Karuna (Ani Elke), Elke Bartussek and Christian Licht.
Participants: everyone is welcome.
Online via Zoom. You will receive the link when you register.
Informally via
Donation basis.
Further information: