Donations for the Yamantaka Retreat 2022

This year there will be again Yamantaka Retreat from 14 to 23 October 2022. It will take place at the Drikung Garchen Institute.

Participants will practice for the benefit of all sentient beings for world peace and healing under the guidance of Drubpon Tsering Rinpoche.

The world is currently reeling from several crises, the Covid-19 pandemic, the war of aggression in Ukraine, the changes in the climate....

Purification and protection have become essential. The Yamantaka practice has great transformative power and can support, strengthen and protect us.

Time and time again H.E. Garchen Rinpoche has emphasised that the accumulation of merit of the retreat, including through donations, is as great as participating. Monetary donations are therefore extremely beneficial too.

You can donate for: the remembrance of the deceased and the sick, the practitioners' meals, tsog, ritual utensils such as flowers, flameless tea lights, etc.

The names of all donors are read out at the beginning of the retreat. Your names and the names of those you wish to dedicate your donation to will be placed in the Mandala. Please write the names for the Mandala to mail. If you would like to be mentioned at the beginning of the mandala as a sponsor, please make sure to order your bank transfer in time.

You can transfer the money with the reference "Yamantaka-Retreat 2022" to the following account:

Stadtsparkasse Munich:
BIC: SSKMDEMMXXX      IBAN: DE88 7015 0000 1003 5045 19

For donations via PayPal please give the following email address: paypal.

donation box with a list for names is available at the DGI reception in the centre. We will issue a receipt for cash donations.

The tax office in Germany will accept your bank statement as a receipt for donations up to an amount of of 300 Euro/year.

For higher amounts and if you need a donation receipt, please write to mail.

Thank you for your support, may the practice bring immeasurable blessings and peace.

Warmest regards

Your Drikung Garchen Institute Munich

Drikung Garchen Institut e.V., Florian-Geyer-Straße 10, 81377 München,