DTRWeb 12

Yamantaka 2016  

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 GR Arizona 112019

Dear Dharma brothers and sisters,
we would like to notify you about the decision that has been made concerning H.E. Garchen Rinpoche’s retirement in Arizona.

Dear GarMingyur6Dharma Friends,

on October 19th 2018, in the morning, Lama Mingyur Rinpoche’s corporeal remains was cremated.

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Friday, 30.08. - Sunday, 01.09.2024
Achi Retreat with Drubpon Tsering Rinpoche

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Friday, 20.09.2024
Simhamukha Empowerment with Drubpon Tsering Rinpoche

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YAMANTAKA DRUBCHEN 18.10. - 26.10.2024

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Tuesday, 24
.12.2024 CHRISTMAS

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Saturday, 28.12. - Tuesday, 31.12.2024
Medicine Buddha Retreat for World Peace with Drubpon Tsering Rinpoche

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Program Fees and Donations for the events at Drikung Garchen Institute: >> Read more