Vajrakilaya 1
The five-fold path of Mahamudra III: New teaching and retreat program at the DGI with Drubpon Tsering Rinpoche

Online via ZOOM and In-Person-Event.

As part of the Dharmadhara Study and Practice Program (, Drubpön Tsering Rinpoche will teach the complete profound path of Mahamudra (Tib. Ngaden) from 2024 to 2028. This is the first time that Drubpön Tsering Rinpoche will offer these profound teachings and practice instructions in Europe.

The structure of the five-year teaching and practice program is as follows:

1st year (2024): 3 weekend seminars on the outer and inner preliminary practices and the generation of Bodhicitta


Model 1: 100-day retreat and individual practice at home

Model 2: 30-day retreat and individual practice at home

Model 3: 2 weeks retreat and individual practice at home

2nd year (2025): 2 weekend seminars for the generation and completion stage

of the Chakrasamvara Yidam practice


Model 1: 3 months retreat and individual practice at home

Model 2: 1.5 months retreat and individual practice at home

Model 3: 1 month retreat and individual practice at home

3rd year (2026): 1 weekend seminar on guru yoga


Model 1: 1 month retreat and individual practice at home

Model 2: 3 weeks retreat and individual practice at home

Model 3: 2 weeks retreat and individual practice at home

4th year (2027): 2 weekend seminars on Calm Abiding (Tib. shine) and Special Insight (Tib. lhagtong) for the realization of Mahamudra


Model 1: 1 month retreat and individual practice at home

Model 2: 3 weeks retreat and individual practice at home

Model 3: 2 weeks retreat and individual practice at home

5th year (2028): 1 weekend seminar on dedication


1 week retreat and individual practice at home


The retreats can be done at the Drikung Garchen Institute or another retreat center and in exceptional cases also at home. The first year is open to all interested practitioners. Due to the profound nature of the following practices, participation in subsequent years is only open to graduates of the first year. Except for important reasons, all participants should attend the teachings in person.

Still have questions? Write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and register for the kick-off event on January 20th at 4pm.

Dates for 2024: Registration at mail (at)


Bodhicitta Part III

Friday 12. July from 18:00 - 20:00 Guru Rinpoche empowerment
35 € / reduced 30 € / or according to own financial means

, 13. - Sunday, 14. July 2024

10:00 – 12:00 and 14:30 – 16:30 Teachings, 17:00 – 18:30 Uhr Common Practice

76 € / reduced 60 € / or according to own financial means

Translation into English: Sonam Spitz

On this weekend, Drubpön Tsering Rinpoche will teach the extraordinary preliminary practice, which also forms the first part of the five-fold Mahamudra path: the meditation on love, compassion and bodhicitta. Drubpön Tsering Rinpoche will also give detailed instructions on how to conduct individual retreats.

To receive the ZOOM access data, please register in our mail group. You will receive a link that you have to confirm in order to be entered in the mail group. Register here. If you are already registered in the mail group, you do not need to do anything, you will receive the access data automatically shortly before the event.

Three levels of fees: please click here.    

Overnight stay please book separately.  

Subject to change!

By donating to Drikung Garchen Institute e.V, you have the possibility to support Dharma activity in the West. May the precious teaching of the Buddha flourish and may it bring happiness and peace to all sentient beings! Donate now!