Vajrakilaya 1
Friday, 30.08. - Sunday, 01.09.2024
Achi Retreat with Drubpon Tsering Rinpoche

Online via ZOOM and presence retreat. Translation: English and German directly from the Tibetan.
It is possible to attend individual sessions.

Achi Chökyi Dölma is the great Dharma protector of the Buddha 's teachings . She is an emanation of Vajrayogini , who embodies the wisdom and activity of all Buddhas. She is the divine mother of the Buddhas and manifested herself out of compassion in the form of the dakinis of the five Buddha families . For the benefit of beings in samsara, she shows herself in an infinite number of manifestations at different times and in different dimensions of space.

Three levels of fees: please click here

To receive the ZOOM access data, please register in our mail group. You will receive a link that you have to confirm in order to be entered in the mail group. Register here. If you are already registered in the mail group, you do not need to do anything, you will receive the access data automatically shortly before the event.

Friday, 30.08.
18:00 – 20:00 CET Achi Empowerment
35 € / reduced 30 € / or according to own financial means

Saturday, 31.08.
07:30 – 09:00 CET Achi Practice
10:00 – 12:00 CET Achi Practice
14:30 – 16:30 CET Teaching

16:45 – 17:30 CET  Dharmapala
19:00 – 20:30 CET Achi Practice

36 € / reduced 28 € / or according to own financial means

Sunday, 01.09.
07:30 – 09:00 CET Achi Practice
10:00 – 12:00 CET
Achi Practice and Tsog
20 € / reduced 16 € / or according to own financial means

Entire Retreat 91 € / reduced 79 € / or according to own financial means

Overnight stay please book separately.

Subject to change!

By donating to Drikung Garchen Institute e.V, you have the possibility to support Dharma activity in the West. May the precious teaching of the Buddha flourish and may it bring happiness and peace to all sentient beings! Donate now!