namrolH.E. Gar Namrol Rinpoche grew up at the Gar-Gon Monastery in Kham (East-Tibet). The Gar-Gon Monastery was developed more than 800 years ago. His founder Gar Chodingpa, one of the eminent scholars of Lord Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon, the founder of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage, was a reincarnation of Vajarapani. His third reincarnation was Gar Dampa Shi-Dengpa, which incarnated his three qualities of body, mind and speech in the stream of awareness of three Rinpoches: Mingyur Rinpoche, Namrol Rinpoche und Garchen Rinpoche. The present-day Gar Namrol Rinpoche was born in Nangchen in 1972, in eastern Tibet. With the age of 15 he studied at the „Five Wisdom Buddhist College“ (Sertha Shedra) under the guidance of Khenpo Jigme Phuntsog Rinpoche.

Today he is the abbot of the „Mahamudra Institute of Buddhist Studies“ in Taiwan.